Ways on how to eliminate bad breath...

Imagine the embarrassment that follows when you are talking to your pals❤❤❤❤💪💪💪💪🌓🌓 and you observed that they are covering their nose due to the unpleasant odour coming from your mouth. Here are few basics steps on how to curb bad breath (halitosis)....
1. Brush your teeth regularly. Bacteria and decaying particles in the mouth are major reasons for bad breath. Brushing regularly will help properly to flush away those bacterias and and particles.
2.Floss your teeth regularly. Flossing your teeth is another way to curb bad breath. At first your gum might bleed, but be rest assured that this action can help to cure bad breath.
3. Discover the importance of mouth wash. Use a mouth wash that contains ether chlorine or fluorine. The mouth wash can penetrate to the end of the tongue to neutralize and remove any bacteria that remain.
4. Chew gums. Gums help to curb bad breath because the chewing action result in more saliva produced. Chew gums sweetened with Xylitol.
5. Always moisturize your mouth. Drink plenty of water.
6.Reduce alcohol and coffee intake.
7. Visit a doctor for more advice.


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